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How To Raise Swans – Getting Started!

18 Oct

how to raise swans

How To Raise Swans – Getting Started!

Before thinking of getting yourself a pair of swans, you have to have the following first: A fresh body of water to allow them swim & drink and a large soiled area to make them frolic around. Actually, there are more requirements; however, it is already good enough to have these basic things around.

Learning how to raise swans is not that hard. You don’t even need to provide them an enclosed housing because that is not part of their habitation. If you insist, you will only create aggressive and annoying swans in the future. It becomes naturally voluntary in their part to stay in your lot only if you provide them with their safety and physical needs.

Raising swans may also mean that you have to make them more socially interactive. By the way they behave; you can already tell that it is easy for them to look for their mate, causing them to produce more baby swans every once in a while.

What usually happens is that the female swan bears the cygnets and lays the eggs. Eventually, when the eggs are hatched, both parents take care of them all. It’s not your responsibility to obstruct the family atmosphere in swans. Your responsibility comes in when the parent swans tend to leave some cygnets behind. This only means one thing: the cygnets are sick. To avoid the cygnets to get sick, you will have to maintain their place as clean as ever. If the cygnets need your attention, look after them and give them the attention and care they need.

If the cygnets have grown bigger and are old enough to leave your nesting area, you can opt to sell them. The kinds of swan vary from place to place. Therefore, it is always important to know what kind of swan you are raising.

During the process of grasping how to raise swans, it is also important to take note about their safety.

Some predators might get in and eat them in no time. It is always important to keep them away from harm when you are really serious about raising swans. Who knows, one of your neighbours might also be curious about how swans taste. You will never know.

When I started to raise swans, I made a lot of silly and painful mistakes. Then I came across this really informative book which I now use it as reference a lot. You may check it out if you are interested to raise swans correctly, find out more here.

Raising Swans – 3 Secrets and Techniques in Keeping Swans Healthy

15 Oct
how to raise swans

Raising Swans – 3 Secrets and Techniques in Keeping Swans Healthy

Swans – just by hearing the word makes you feel elegant inside. If we remember very well, they are always seen in fairytale movies and in real life nature escapades. Every pond you see in private properties has to have a horde of swans to complete the scenic view. Admit it or not, you always have that pure feeling within when you see them playing around with water or just floating peacefully amid the lake.

But how would you feel if one of the swans is wallowing over a disease? The everlasting look of a swan shuts off from there. The peaceful sanctuary caused by the swans might not be the place they want to live in anymore.

Thus, it’s always good to find better ways and techniques in raising swans. Swans can live for as long as 25 years. But because there is a lot of emerging swan diseases that occur in their nesting area, the average lifespan as of date has now turned into seven years. In raising swans safe and sound, you have to keep the following guidelines in mind:

1. A number of swans are dying from swallowing poisons. Because swans love to wander around, they tend to find food along the way that has poisons in it. Also, some poisons come from the pond where they spend most of their time. The reason behind this is that this body of water can easily get polluted. In keeping swans away from these, it is always best to have constant maintenance with your swans’ pond and give them the food they need so they won’t have to look around for it.

2. Most of the time, when parent swans find out that they have a sick cygnet, they cull it and keep it away from the healthy ones. Don’t worry, this is a natural behavior. The greatest thing you could do is to take care of the sick cygnet or bring it to the veterinarian.

3. There are a lot of emerging flu types around the world and most of them come from birds. If you are keeping swans from foreign countries, it is best to watch out of their health first before you blend them with your other swans.

If you have other unusual concerns about your swans, you can always ask from expert swan raisers.